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We all want a happy pup. No matter what the situation is, we want out dogs to be happy, calm and have a stress-free life. As odd at it may sound, there are dog collars that are made to keep our pups calm during stressful situations. Read this article and consider getting an Adaptil collar, especially during firework season.

ADAPTIL Junior Adjustable Collar...
ADAPTIL Junior Adjustable Collar...
ADAPTIL Junior Adjustable Collar...
ADAPTIL Junior Adjustable Collar...

Adaptil Collar – Calm on the Go

The Adaptil Calm-On-The-Go Collar is a contraption that goes around your dog’s neck to keep them calm. The collar contains a man-made version of a dog appeasing hormone that gets released into the air and into your dog as they breathe in and out. There has been many scientific studies that prove that this hormone is calming and helpful for pups of all breeds and sizes. 

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Adaptil Calming Collar

These collars can be used when your dog is going through a stressful situation that happens in the world around them. The Adaptil Calming Collar is a good tool to use during celebrations when you know there will be fireworks cracking and making them feel anxious and uneasy. Keeping your dog calm with the help of science, through the use of synthetic pheromones is one of the most effective, safe ways to keep them relaxed.

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Adaptil Junior Collar

Other situations where the collar can be used is when training puppies. Puppies that stay calm and relaxed are more prone to socialize and stay happy. The Adaptil Junior Collar also helps them cope with staying home alone removing all those sensations of nervousness. We all know that small pups tend to cry at night when they’re adjusting to a new home, and applying this collar as a tool to help them become acclimated to the space around them is a really great way to incorporate them into daily life with their new human pals!

ADAPTIL Junior Adjustable Collar...
  • ADAPTIL Junior Adjustable Collar for puppies, proven to help reduce night crying, comfort when left home alone, training and socilisation - Puppy
  • Contains a synthetic copy of the 'dog appeasing pheromone' which a mother naturally releases to calm and reassure her litter - It has the same effect on adult dogs
  • Communicating to dogs, like dogs

Adaptil Collar – Medium to Large Dogs

For some dogs, day to day life is a struggle. Dogs that suffer from behavioral issues of any sort can feel a very positive effect when they’re under the spell of the constant release of the appeasing hormone. There is an Adaptil Collar targeted towards medium to large dogs that caters to these pups that struggle with staying calm in general. This collar helps them control their fear and stay relaxed.

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Adaptil Calm Home

If adding another collar to your dog is something that doesn’t sound right to you, but you still want your pup to be subdued by the effects of this pheromone, the ADAPTIL Calm Home is the option for you. This device plugs into the outlet and similar to scented environment pleasers for humans, it releases the pheromones slowly into the air so that it perfumes the whole room. Diffusing this appeasing pheromone through the air will ensure the immediate effect on your dog. This might help with dogs that are home alone, that are constantly fearful, or that are just passing by. It is important to know that these synthetic pheromones can only be perceived by dogs and are completely scentless for humans. 

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Whether you choose the collar or the air diffuser, it is important that you know that the use of dog appeasing pheronomes is completely safe. Many vets advice the use of products like this to help your dogs cope with outside stimulants and have a calm and happier life. Big dogs, small dogs, old ones and puppies the same. If you’re still unsure about what the best bet might be, you could get a pack of both products so that you may test which one works better with the personality and lifestyle of your pet. 

Your dog’s collar is a key element. Owners must look beyond the horizon and use their collars in the most creative of ways. If you’re interested to know more about different ways to use and improve your pup’s collar, you might want to read about the LED Dog Collar and Halti Head Collar.

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