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Raspberries are enjoyed by many for their sharp, sweet taste and interesting texture. They make for great little bite-size snacks that come with the added benefit of being very healthy. Healthy for humans that is; but what about dogs? Can dogs eat raspberries?
Are Raspberries good for my dog?
Can dogs eat Raspberries? Well yes and no:
Raspberries contain a variety minerals and vitamins that will do wonders for your dog. Similar to watermelons, raspberries are low in both calories and natural sugars but high in dietary fibre. Dietary fibre helps maintain a healthy digestive system and combats obesity by making your dog feel fuller than he actually is (in the same way that a lot of vegetables contain raffinose, which releases in your stomach and makes you feel bloated). Raspberries are also strong antioxidants which help reduce the chances of your dog getting diabetes, cancer, and heart disease, as well as arthritis. They’re also high in minerals such as manganese, copper, iron, and potassium.
However, raspberries can be harmful to your dog if they scoff too many of the in one go.
Raspberries contain extremely high amounts of xylitol, a natural sweetener. While delicious to humans, this sweetener can be very toxic to dogs in large amounts. Too much of it can cause the development of liver disease and hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar), both of which can cause death if not seen to by a vet. Other sign that your dog has ingested too many raspberries is gastrointestinal distress, including diarrhoea and vomiting.
How to Serve Raspberries to your Dog:
The key here is moderation. Most vets don’t recommend serving any more than a cupful of raspberries at a time. This is enough for your dog to reap the rewards of eating raspberries but without the possible side effects. Of course this is all relative to the size of your dog; for smaller dogs it might be less than a cupful, for larger dogs it might be more than a cupful. Most people recommend giving them only a few each time to start off with, in case your dog has any negative reactions to them; if your dog seems happy and healthy, then feel free to sprinkle in a few extra. Much like some other fruits, raspberries are perfect to be had a frozen treat. Dogs love a crunchy treat; it relaxes them and is a great way to relieve stress if they’re anxious for whatever reason.
We tend to avoid raspberries for Blake, but if it’s a small amount in a dog yoghurt for example, then we think that’s ok.
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