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Today on our Facebook page, I got asked ‘can dogs have Mango?’ It is always nice to give your dog a little treat every now and again and fruit is harmless, right? For dogs, some fruit can cause health issues as their digestive system is not designed to digest and absorb fruits. So, can you safely give your dog a tasty treat of mango?
Can dogs have Mango? The Risks
As with feeding any human food to dogs, there are a few risks with mangos. The skin is thick and not easily digestible. Eating too much of the mango skin can cause stomach upset and diarrhoea.
Mango pits are quite large and are a major choking hazard, particularly for puppies and small breeds. In most cases the pit may pass through the digestive system without any issues, however, it can cause a blockage in the intestines or bowel. Any kind of digestive blockage needs immediate veterinary attention.
The pit of a mango also contains small quantities of cyanide, which can be fatal if a large enough dose is ingested. Cyanide can restrict the amount of oxygen absorbed by tissues from the red blood cells in the body. Cyanide poisoning can have the following symptoms:
- Difficulty breathing
- Bright red gums
- Dilated pupils
- Lethargy
- Shock
- Collapse
- Convulsions
If you suspect your dog has cyanide poisoning, you must see a vet immediately. The treatment is needed to start to combat the effects on the body and will be a combination of medication and IV fluids.
Sweet fruits like mangos and peaches contain a lot of natural sugars. These sugars can cause dental health issues such as tooth decay, leading to tooth loss for your dog if it is not treated. The high fibre content is not good for your dog’s digestion. Too much fibre can cause stomach upset, vomiting and diarrhoea.

Health Benefits of Mango for Dogs
Although there are some risks involved if large quantities of mango are consumed, this fruit actually contains a lot of healthy substances if fed in small and occasional amounts. Mango contains vitamins A, B6, C and E which are responsible for a whole host of things.
Vitamin A – supports healthy vision, immune function and growth of muscles and tissue.
Vitamin B6 – important for hormone regulation, production of glucose and supports proper red blood cell function.
Vitamin C – it helps reduce inflammation and cognitive aging.
Vitamin E – this is important for fat metabolism and also efficient cell function. A lack of vitamin E can cause reproductive problems as well as eye and muscle degeneration.
Is Mango Safe For Dogs?
So can dogs eat Mango? As with introducing any new food item into your dog’s diet, you can safely give mango if you try it slowly and in small amounts. Try freezing small chucks in an ice cube tray and giving one and a warm weather treat.
If you found this article helpful, you may wish to have a look at ‘Can Dogs Eat Apricots’ and ‘can dogs eat raspberries?’. There are lots of nutritional fruits that can be given as treats as long as they are prepared safely.