Kong Jumbler Balls

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Playing with our dogs is essential.  Doing so helps build the bond and trust, and it’s also good exercise for your dog.   Active play keeps your dog’s joints lubricated, improves overall balance, coordination and is good for their heart and mental health.

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What are Kong Jumbler Balls

Kong Jumbler Balls are a range of larger balls with two or three handles.  The handles mean that they are easier for us to hold, carry and grip for both your dog and yourself.

They are available as:

  • Jumbler Ball 
  • Jumbler Football
  • Tri Jumbler
  • Why Kong Jumbler Balls 

Whilst no dog toys are indestructible, these Kong balls are tough and as close as you can get.  Because Kong dog toys are designed to be tough for active play and developed to maximise fun with your dog, you know that you are buying something that they will love.  

Jumbler Ball

The Jumbler ball comes in two sizes and is constructed of semi-transparent coloured plastic material.  There are two big handles and a tantalising tennis ball and squeak inside the ball.  These balls are relatively heavy.  Be aware; their large size makes them difficult for smaller dogs to carry.  They bounce well, float and are strong for tug of war games when you and the dog are holding by the handles.  The sidewall, though, is less robust.

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Jumbler Football

The name of this toy is deceiving, it’s the shape of a rugby ball, and with the two handles incorporated into the shape together with the textured finish, it has an alien gadget appearance that will appeal to many owners.

The shape of the jumbler ensures erratic bouncing when thrown for unpredictable landing places to keep your dog on their toes.  There is a tennis ball inside the semi-transparent outer and a squeaker too. 

The handles are suitable for tug games, but the sidewall is weaker, so don’t be tempted to play tug if your dog is not holding the handle. The Jumbler Football is available in medium and large size.

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Tri Jumbler

The Tri Jumbler is another space-age looking toy.  There are two quite large ball-shaped ends held together by three rugged handles.  The balls are formed by two pieces and contain a tennis ball and squeaker inside one and beads in the other.  The balls are half semi-transparent and the other half the same as the three handles.

The tri comes in two sizes, large and extra-large, with large being the most practical for most dogs and the extra large being ideal for big breeds.

This version is less tug friendly, but the handles create added fun and make it easy to carry.  The styling also makes it easier for our small dogs to carry because the handles are positioned centrally on the long side. In common with the previous two options, the Tri Jumbler also has an unpredictable bounce to add to the fun and work your dog’s brain.

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Our Verdict

All three versions we’ve looked at here are tough and durable.  In common with other dog toys, they should not be left for your dog to play with unsupervised in case they do chew through.  Once chewed through, bitten off bits could become a choking hazard. These are tough and durable but not indestructible.  Always make sure you buy genuine Kong items and not cheaper fakes.

If you want a similar toy that is also a treat dispenser, check our review for the Kong Reward Ball here:  https://patterdaleterriers.co.uk/kong-reward-ball/

We really like these balls.  For most terrier-sized dogs, the Jumbler ball will be too big for them to carry or to carry far, but then you know how determined terriers can be, so it could be fun watching them try!   The football and tri versions from Kong are much more suitable for hours of interactive fun with smaller dogs.  All three are suitable for larger breeds.

We’re gradually working through the Kong range of toys, you may be interested in the Kong Reward Ball or look out for the other Kong product reviews like Kong Easy Treat and Kong Seashells for Dogs

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