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If you’re looking for a small terrier that’s great with kids, the Nuttall Patterdale Terrier is the perfect breed for you. This little dog is confident, fun-loving and protective. It has pointed ears just like its cousin the Jack Russell terrier, and has a slightly heavier bone structure.

The Nuttall Patterdale Terrier is best suited to owners who would like to bring their pet everywhere they go because they are active and loyal dogs. They are happiest when they have the freedom to run around without a leash. This breed is highly intelligent and quick to learn, but they can be stubborn at times.

Nuttall Patterdales

Patterdales have long been bred to “get the job done”.  They are part of the group of terriers that were bred for the sole purpose of their toughness, stamina and hunting ability.  Since they were developed frequently, hunting folk would cross their best terriers regardless of their heritage; they just wanted to breed terriers with the capabilities they required irrespective of whether they were Patterdale, Border, Jack Russell, Lakeland or Fell terriers.  The sole aim was the aim of having a terrier that would “get the job done”.

As a Terrier breed, therefore, Nuttall Patterdale Terriers can be quite apt at tracking their prey, and many will keep this talent passed on to their offspring.

Origins of the Nuttall Patterdale Terrier

In fact, jump back a little. The Patterdale originated from a cross of terriers, possibly Jack Russell, Border, Lakeland or Fell Terrier. A famous huntsman Joe Bowman, bred them to run with the fell hound packs who hunted on foot because the territory was unsuitable for horses or other transportation.  Hence the requirement for a terrier capable of running with the hounds that could think for itself and flush out or dispatch a fox if necessary.    Bowman was an early breeder of the Border Terrier. The original mix of the first terriers he called “Patterdale” is uncertain, depending on where you look!  Probably the only certain way to be sure is to get hold of a copy of Bowman’s own book ‘Reminiscences of Joe Bowman’.  Bowman developed the Patterdale terrier when working as huntsman at the Ullswater Hunt, which was an amalgamation between two packs, the Patterdale and the Matterdale; Bowman lived at Grassthwaite How within the parish of Patterdale.

However, they began it cannot be disputed that Patterdales became well known for their tremendous working ability, stamina and temperament. 

It is documented that the early lines of the Patterdale were developed further in the 1950s by Mr Breay and Mr Buck. From their breed lines, the Nuttall bloodline was started when Brian Nuttall line bred from the Breay and Buck lines, initially from dogs that his family already owned to produce the Nuttall bloodline.  His involvement began in the 1960s, and Nuttall line Patterdales are still highly prized today.

Appearance and Personality of the Nuttall Patterdale Terrier

Generally, the Nuttall line dogs tend to be at the smaller end of the breed specification height scale and are particularly athletic in appearance. They are also mostly smooth coated versions.  Nuttall Patterdales are perfect examples of why the breed was developed “to get the job done”.  They are tenacious, brave, confident, energetic and intelligent with packs of stamina and personality.  The Nuttall line terriers perfectly embody the Patterdale terrier.

These days with hunting outlawed Patterdales, including the Nuttall line, Patterdales are turning their talents to other activities.  They are a breed that are incredibly loyal and love to please their people. With the stamina and intelligence of Patterdales, they can compete and hold their own in many alternative canine activities such as agility, flyball and canicross.  Actually, a Patterdale terrier, especially if it’s a Nuttall line bred Patterdale, would be the perfect pooch for canicross on the Fells.  

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1 thought on “Nuttall Patterdale Terrier”

  1. love my 11 month old Patterdale, but since he was castrated in January his Penis sticks out about 1\2 inch. Is this common or have I got an odd pup? Could you please throw some light on this as the Vet doesn’t seem to know. Thank you.


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