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A Martingale dog collar (not to be confused with a Greyhound collar) is a comfortable fabric or leather collar that allows for training as it tightens slightly when the dog starts to pull, but it is safe and not harmful to the dog. They are used by many breeds including whippets, Jack Russells and Patterdale terriers.

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The Invention of the Martingale Dog Collar

A Martingale Dog Collar is also known as limited-slip collar, MDC or Greyhound collar. It looks like a regular collar but has an extra loop that tightens around the neck if the dog pulls. The name came from the fact that it works similar to a martingale on gambling bets. In case of winning, one puts double the money in another bet; otherwise, one loses what was initially put.

The invention of this unique piece of canine equipment is credited to England where it was first manufactured and marketed by Brian Key who had also come up with other inventions such as K-9 crime detector (Police sniffer dogs) and range-finding devices for aircrafts during World War II. The popularity of martingale dog collars quickly spread all over Europe, Asia and North America reaching millions of satisfied customers. Apart from being a very effective training tools, Martingale dog collars are also used to discipline and train guard dogs during their service years while on duty.

candyPet Martingale Dog Collar -...
  • 100% cotton fabric of the highest quality with exclusive designs
  • Reinforced seams and welded buckles for the safety of your pet.
  • Valid for any breed of dog.

It can be Adjusted to the Dog’s Size

This special equipment can be adjusted according to the dog’s neck size and does not slip or tighten like a regular collar will. There is no need for using any kind of leash with this design because it serves as both collar and leash in one convenient package. The presence of extra loop protects the dog from choking and strangulation even if he tries hard to escape during training or when being disciplined by his master.

The idea behind this product came about after Brian Key noticed that many dogs have become violent over time due to their collars tightening around the neck especially when they pull. He immediately devised a way of fixing the problem with conventional collars which were causing harm to dogs instead of providing them comfort. It was soon discovered that the new design would greatly reduce injuries and health hazards caused by collars.

Martingale dog collars were recognized as an effective device to curb bad behavior in dogs that is acquired after years of domestication and living with humans. This equipment can also help a lot in training young dogs easily because it prevents them from escaping even if they try hard. If you want to teach your pets not to pull when walking then this collar will definitely help a lot in preventing them from getting hurt or hurting their owners.

The Martingale Dog Collar is now enjoying wide acceptance all over the world where it has earned its reputation for being useful, durable, safe, inexpensive yet very effective tool for keeping dogs under control without causing any harm whatsoever to them.

The Design of the Martingale Dog Collar

The design of Martingale dog collars is very easy to use. This equipment has two different parts, one rings at the end of the strap with extra loop and another that acts as a regular collar for dogs. The main purpose of this type of collar is to prevent strangulation for dogs if they pull hard on their leash while walking or running. If your pet pulls on his leash then he will be able to slip through the first ring due to the presence of an extra loop but it will definitely stop him from getting out because his neck will slide into the second loop when pulled further until you adjust it back again using its quick release buckle which you can easily operate even wearing gloves.

If you want more control over your dog during training then you should consider getting this useful collar for your dog. Millions of dog owners from all over the world are already enjoying easy and hassle free walking with their pets because they invested in a good Martingale Dog Collar. You can get the same benefit too by investing just £20 to £25 in one such wonderful product that will improve your relationship with your pet by leaps and bounds!

The biggest advantage of such type of collars is preventing dogs from having any kind of injuries caused by regular collars which people use mostly because they are convenient or cheap. With Martingale Dog Collar you will have total control over your pet without causing him any harm whatsoever so you can easily walk him without his leash or tie him to something if you want.

This means that your pet will be in a better mood because he won’t have to deal with painful neck all the time, he will be able to play much more and most importantly get enough exercise which is so important for a dog’s health. Most dogs are inactive during the day because their owners find it too difficult to control them while walking and keeping them on the leash is not always an option either. That’s why they become very destructive when they finally get some free time from being tied up; therefore getting rid of this problem before it even starts is certainly worth your attention.

Maximum Comfort for your Dog

The biggest advantage of Martingale Dog Collars compared to regular is that they are very comfortable for pets. Unlike regular collars these ones don’t dig into a dog’s neck, irritate it during long walks or pull their hair out because of constant rubbing on the ground which can cause skin irritation and even injuries to sensitive areas of a pet’s body.

If you want your pet to get maximum comfort while wearing his equipment then you should pay attention when choosing high quality product made from soft materials that won’t rub against the skin, not too thick so that your dog will feel uncomfortable in hot weather and not too thin so that he could slip out of it or snap it easily. Choosing such piece of equipment is also important because if its collar is longer than 2 times around the neck at first usage then he could slip out of it which is why you should choose a size appropriate for your pet.

candyPet Martingale Dog Collar -...
  • 100% cotton fabric of the highest quality with exclusive designs
  • Reinforced seams and welded buckles for the safety of your pet.
  • Valid for any breed of dog.

Training with the Martingale Dog Collar

The best way to guide your dog with such collar is just to pull the leash in opposite direction. If you want him to go forward then you should lead him backward and vice versa because this type of collars pulls harder when the tension’s pulling toward yourself or another person that holds the leash instead of away from them. Also, if your pet still refuses to behave properly during walk then you can put his regular collar over Martingale Dog Collar for more effective control over him but make sure that it won’t be too tight; otherwise it will hurt his skin and irritate his neck as well.

You should remember that this equipment doesn’t replace regular collars and leashes. It is just to help you get more control over your pet while walking him so that he will feel better in general and won’t be too resistant to your attention. If used properly it will do wonders for his behavior because it distributes force evenly which makes pulling much less painful than with regular collar; therefore your pet will pull less trying not to choke himself and even if he pulls really hard this collar won’t squeeze his neck harder but only a little bit tighter.

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