Why do dogs scratch carpet?

Why do dogs scratch carpet

Dog’s scratching at the carpet is likely to be the same reason why they scratch at their beds before settling down.  Initially, the reason is evolutionary and harks back to when dogs were wild.  It’s an instinctual behaviour that’s also an habitual behaviour. There are, however, a few other reasons why dogs scratch or dig … Read more

Snuffle Ball for Dogs

Snuffle Ball For Dogs

If like me, you have an unruly terrier that needs constant stimulation and things to keep him occupied, then you should definitely consider buying a snuffle ball for dogs. They are great for keeping your dog entertained so that you can go out and leave him alone knowing that he has something to do. They … Read more

Keeping Dogs and Children Safe

dogs and children

Are you a dog owner with children? Or perhaps you have dogs at home and children often come to visit? Keeping dogs and children safe when they are together is vitally important. You want to educate children and bring them up to respect dogs so that they are less likely to get bitten or hurt. … Read more

Radio City Crosby Beach Dog Walk

Radio City Crosby Beach Dog Walk

This weekend, we headed to Crosby beach for a pack walk organised in collaboration with Radio City. Thankfully, storm Corrie held off and the weather on Sunday morning was perfect for dog walking. Crosby beach is an excellent place for the dogs because it has so many different terrains – the woodland walk, the pier, … Read more

Working Terrier Guide

Working Terrier Characteristics

Today we’re taking a look at the life of a working terrier. We will be considering the best breeds of working terrier and the characteristics that you should look out for. My last Jack Russell, Milo wasn’t a ‘working dog’ as such, but he certainly kept our yard (and the neighbours yard) free from vermin! … Read more

Patterdale vs Jack Russell 

Patterdale vs Jack Russell

In the battle of the terriers, which would you choose? Both Patterdale’s and Jack Russell’s are ‘typical’ terriers.  So, let’s have a quick look at their similarities and differences. Patterdale vs Jack Russell – what were they bred for? Both Patterdale terriers and Jack Russell Terriers were originally bred and developed to go to ground to … Read more

Warm Noses on Dogs

warm noses on dogs

Dogs have noses just like us. But, there are some differences between dog’s noses and human’s noses. For example, dogs can smell things much better than humans can! Also, when a dog smells something it doesn’t smell the same way that we do! Dogs noses can sometimes be dry, sometimes be wet, sometimes be hot … Read more