Whistle Training Dogs

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Having a dog that follows instructions makes life 100 times easier and this can be done through the means of a whistle. We understand that some dogs are harder to train than others however, whistle training can actually be used on any dog in order to improve responsiveness. A whistle is far easier than constantly yelling your dog’s name in desperation and it makes its clearer to the dog thanks to the sharp sound of it. Having a whistle is pretty handy as well because it is small, flexible, and portable, so wherever your dog is, your whistle will be too. 

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What to look out for in a Whistle for Dogs

When it comes to choosing the right whistle for your dog, you need to consider a number of factors. We have selected some of our top picks on the market today, where you can see what makes the best whistle for dogs. 

First up we have the HEHUI dog whistle, an all round great option that comes at an affordable price. Not only is it easy to carry, but it also comes with a PDF electronic training tutorial that explains how to use the adjustable pitch perk that comes with it. This particular whistle has been given a lot of praise because it is very easy to use and most reviews say that it didn’t take long to train their dog with this one. In addition, it comes with a free lanyard that makes it easy to have it round your neck. It is the ideal tool to get your dog to be more obedient. 

dog whistle

Another great option is the UMOBV dog whistle that specialises in barking control, so this is great if your dog if your dog likes to bark a lot as you can use this to control it. It comes in the colour of black and has an adjustable pitch, so you can teach your dog a whole array of instructions, not just for barking control. Similarly, to the HEHUI whistle, it comes with a free durable lanyard strap that makes portability easier and it is very simple to use. You can read the instructions that come with it if you have any problems. 

whistle training dogs

Ultimately, there are other great options on the market however, if you choose one of the ones above, then you won’t experience any problems. Try to find one that has some of these perks:

  • Adjustable pitch – Tune it to your dogs hearing for the best results
  • Good instructions – Detailed guide on how to use it properly
  • Made of metal – Better for durability
  • Lanyard strap – Helps you carry it around
  • Good affordability – Better value for money

How to Whistle Train your Dog – Step by Step Guide

First of all, blow into the whistle until your dog responds and makes some form of reaction. Adjust the pitch continuously when doing this and make sure they respond to all the sounds to make sure they can hear it.

Try to distinguish what each whistle means. For example, a short whistle may be sit down and a longer one may be come here. Its up to you, but make sure you are consistent, so you don’t confuse your dog. 

Use positive conditioning when teaching your dog. This means rewarding your dog with a treat every time they manage to respond to a command correctly. It is really important that you follow this step.

You should integrate verbal demands alongside whistle blows if your dog is struggling. Once they are consistently responding well on the verbal calls, make a smooth transition over to the whistle and use verbal calls less.

Doing this just the once won’t work. You have to have multiple sessions on a daily basis if possible, to make this process a quick one.

Once your dog is responding correctly to the whistle, slowly begin to limit the number of treats you give to them and make this become their norm from now.

If you follow these steps correctly, then your dog should be whistle trained in no time!

Benefits of Whistle Training Dogs

Though there are a lot of steps you need to follow to get your dog fully whistle trained, if is certainly worth it with the number of benefits you get from it. The time and effort you put into it will pay off and will make handling your dog in public pretty much effortless.

Once your dog is whistle trained you shouldn’t have any difficulties when it comes to it running off when it finds something interesting. All it takes is a blow of the whistle to get them to come back, far easier than yelling their name over and over again. 

In addition, in the rare case of a dog fight a whistle can become a handy asset. If you dog is in a fight with another dog, a blow of the whistle will send signals into their head that this is wrong and then they should come back to you.

Whistles are great because you can simply educate your dog more. You can teach them how to sit, stay, come, lie, and practically anything else you can think of. If you follow the steps right, you can teach your dog how to do most basic things. 

Ultimately, it is clear to see why dog whistles are increasing in popularity and it comes to no surprise that more dog owners are opting for them. They make the training and handing part a lot easier and improve efficiency when trying to educate your dog. We have included some of the best whistles out there above, so if you haven’t already, go and check them out. They will change your dog’s obedience in the best way possible so there is nothing to lose. 

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