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It’s easy to find Patterdale puppies online and in the paper, but is this necessarily the best way to go about finding your pup? If you want a healthy and a happy Patterdale pup, and you want to make sure that pups are not bred by people who don’t care about their well-being then you really need to make an effort to find a reputable Patterdale terrier breeder. However, with Patterale terriers this is even more of a challenge, because they are not a Kennel Club registered breed and it is difficult to prove that you are a reputable breeder without paperwork for the breed.
If you are really serious about choosing the best breeder then the best thing to do is ask the experts. Ask veterinarians, trainers, groomers and other people directly involved with Patterdales on a daily basis. They will have some good suggestions for you. Here are a few important tips on how to choose a Patterdale Terrier Breeder.
Avoid Classified Ads
If you want a reputable dealer its best to avoid picking one out of the classifieds or from Facebook. As with everything, if the breeder really is top quality then they will have no reason to be advertising in the classifieds. Some breeders have puppies booked from the next few litters and in some circumstances years in advance. Another reason you don’t want to find someone in the newspaper or classifieds is that they offer no guarantees. Usually a day or two is all you get and if something happens to that puppy’s health six months from now most will just say it is not their problem. Most reputable breeders will give you a year guarantee or more and many will also give you lifetime support. Most people who buy a pup from a reputable breeder stay in touch and update the breeder on the puppy’s progress.
Do they Rescue as well as Breed?
Another sign of a good breeder is that they are involved in training and/or rescue of the type of dog that they breed. Pattrdale breeders are often involved in patterdale terrier rescue and Patterdale terrier training for working dogs and pets. Many of them will have grown up with the breed. This is always a good sign.
Also take note of whether they will take a puppy back if for some reason the buyer can’t take care of it. Most will not refund any money but at least they care enough about the puppy they’ve bred and will always have a home to come back to. This is particularly important with Patterdale terriers as they are a high energy working breed. Some people unfortunately get a Patterdale without realising what they are letting themselves in for!
Looking for a Good Quality Patterdale Terrier Breeder
The most obvious clues about the quality of the breeder will be picked up by looking at the puppies themselves. Puppies are a product of their upbringing and a healthy puppy will have a pleasant temperament as well as looking healthy. This means no runny noses or scratching too much. They should have clear eyes and a wagging tail. Healthy Patterdale puppies should be lively and inquisitive, not fearful and introvert.
If you are buying over the internet see if the breeder can send you a video of your puppy or meet on Skype/Zoom. But it’s always advisable that you visit the pup in his home with his/her mother several times before picking it up.

Look at the Environment
The puppies environment will tell you a great deal about the quality and intentions of the breeder. The environment should be clean and tidy with dog waste quickly scooped and newspaper regularly changed. Pups outside in garden sheds and outdoor pens are generally a no-no and is often a signal of a puppy mill or money-making breeder. Patterdales are a small and affectionate breed and should generally be inside with the family which ensures that they are getting socialised with both other dogs and people at a young age.
What kind of Lifestyle does the Breeder have?
It’s a good idea to find out as much as you can about your intended breeder before seeing the puppies. See if they have children and are involved in social activities. Most Puppy millers wouldn’t have time for this. Often once you see them you can be much easier to convince – because you have been convinced by those cute eyes and waggy tails!
Ask to see BOTH of the dogs parents if possible and try to assess their demeanor. They should be confident and friendly. Be wary of dogs that seem unusually fearful or aggressive. Patterdale puppies should not be aggressive if they are trained and socialised properly from a young age.
Quiz them about the Breed!
You should already know quite a bit about Patterdale terriers if you are interested in owning one. Patterdale terrier owners will know about the hunting instinct of the breed and the breed’s history. Ask your breeder any further questions you might have. Don’t forget to ask about chronic health conditions and special care or dietry needs. If it’s a good breeder then they will be more concerned about figuring out if you are going to be a good dog owner than getting the cash. A good Patterdale terrier breeder cares about the homes that the pups are going to.
A Good Breeder isn’t in it for the Money
For most good breeders, the main goal isn’t to make money. In recent years however finding a puppy on the internet has become popular. During Coronavirus times, the price of Patterdale puppies has tripled causing more inexperienced breeders to breed them without having any concern for the dogs or where the pups end up.
You may not personally be able to go to see where the dogs are raised if they live far away (many Patterdales are bred in the Lake District for example), but you can tell a lot by a conversation. Just by talking to people you can tell if they are educated or not and they still should be able to tell you about the dogs that they breed.
Avoid Puppy Mills and Backyard Breeders
Buying a puppy that comes from a backyard or puppy mill can be a dangerous move. Not only could the health of your puppy suffer as a result, but it’s also contributing to Patterdales going to the wrong homes and many end up in rescue centres. A backyard breeder will know little about Patterdale terriers and the kind of life that they need. Often they don’t maintain puppy’s health properly and don’t want to spend money on vets bills. You may notice scratching from ticks or fleas or perhaps itching ears from infections.

Backyard breeders and puppy mills will sell the puppies often at six weeks of age because they have just got too many – they want to get rid of the pups to make room for the next litter. But 6 weeks is just too early for a Patterdale terrier to leave his or her mother.
Puppy mills produce large amounts of puppies often in horrible conditions. There isn’t appropriate medical care and more often than not, the puppies are not fed well. Puppy mills often sell directly to pet stores. For this reason it is best to avoid puppies bought from pet stores.
I even heard of someone buying a Patterdale Puppy out of the back of a Van. There was no way that they could have vetted his previous environment and this instantly raises a red flag.
Often the puppies are separated from their parents at much too young an age, often as early as 4-5 weeks old as well as the other problems of lack of healthcare, love and attention. This can affect them for the rest of their lives and is extremely cruel.
They should only be Breeding Patterdales
Usually a reputable Patterdale breeder will ONLY breed Patterdales. It’s rare that they will be breeding more than one or two breeds. Quite often, especially if they are breeding working Patterdales they will be on a farm setting, which is the perfect environment for them. Often they breed a litter and keep one to work the farm (mainly ratting these days).
Pups should be with their Mother until 10-12 weeks old
Most reputable breeders will not let their Patterdale Terrier puppies go before they ten to twelve weeks of age. Most puppies are not completely weaned and self sufficient any younger then that. Most breeders will talk about their age when they let them go. They will also want to talk about the transition from one home to the next before selling the puppy.
Their Tails should only be Docked on Working Dogs and done According to English law
If you are buying your Patterdale in England and it is a pet Patterdale (not from working stock) then there is no reason for your Patterdale to have a docked tail. If it is a working litter from a working Patterdale and the pups intend to be sold as workers, then they may have their tails docked but this MUST happen before 5 days old and be done by a vet. They will have paperwork to prove this, otherwise it may have been an illegal docking.
By following these guidelines I hope that you will be able to find a reputable Patterdale terrier breeder and end up with a happy and healthy pup! Unfortunately we don’t breed pups as we mainly rescue, and we don’t recommend breeders that we are not 100% confident in. If you are trying to find a pup drop us a message below and we will try to help you with your research.
You might also like to read about Fleas and Ticks.
You might also like to read about 5 Patterdales to Follow on Instagram
Good Evening ,
My family and I have our hearts set on a patterdale. My brother and his family have had theirs for nearly two years, and ‘Monty’ is a great dog with a lovely temperament. Unfortunately their breeder no longer breeds.
Its proving very difficult to find a trusted breeder especially as the Patterdale is not recognised by the Kennel club, or listed on more trusted sites such as Champdogs. I noticed that the the adverts on other sites show hardly any photos of Patterdale puppies with their mothers, and the odd one or two that do don’t seem right, i.e. No photos of mum feeding puppies.
We are not in any rush, but just wish to find a reputable breeder with a healthy puppy. I would be most grateful if you could help us find a trusted breeder, ideally in the South of England as we live in Kent.
Kindest Regards,
Lovely to hear from you Steve. We live up North in Liverpool and unfortunately don’t know any breeders in Kent – we actually mainly rescue. I agree it’s difficult to find a trusted breeder. If we find out about any we will let you know. You might also like to join our facebook group and see if anyone in there can help:
I’m looking for a working strain docked bitch puppy but finding it hard to find a sensibly priced one.
This would be my third and would be a working dog for my smallholding.
As well as being experienced with Patterdales I have also trained and bred Labradors as gun dogs. I’ve just lost my home bred fully trained Labrador bitch as she had to be put down due to bone cancer.
The most dogs I’ve had at any one time was six, 4 Labradors, a Patterdale and a Whippet.
I am prepared to travel to find the right dog that fits my criteria.
Could you let me have details of breeders who sell at sensible prices please
So sad to hear about your Ladbrador, Mick. It’s so heartbreaking when they go. We don’t breed Patterdales – we rescue, but we will keep an eye out for good breeders for you. You might also want to join our Facebook group to see if our members have recommendations:
Hi there I wonder if you could help us we are a very active retired couple who have recently had to our beloved dog put to sleep he was a rough coated jack Russell and he was 17yrs old came to us as a 3yr old rescue he was our 3rd dog in our 48 yrsof marriage and our 2nd rescue terrier type we had her for 11yrs and she had to be put to sleep having developed severe epilepsy and before her we had a labrador which we had from 12wks old until he was 16 we have been looking at rescue centres but no one seems to have any patterdale terriers for rescuewe live in stoke on trent as you can see we are experienced dog owners and we feel we are now ready to offer a forever home.
Hello My wife and regard ourselves as active retirees and our over the years have had lots of dogs , active and otherwise and are looking forward to the day when we find a Patterdale puppy that will bring us so much joy. We have decided on a Patterdale after lots of consideration but as you suggest it is extremely difficult to find a trusted and experienced breeder, not helped by them not being recognised by the Kennel club. We find it difficult to understand why the KC takes that decision. Anyway if there is any possible way you could point us in the right direction we would be extremely grateful.
Join our Facebook group Malcolm. Whilst don’t recommend breeders or sell pups online due to animal welfare, there may be some patterdale owners willing to share info on where they got their pups.
We lost our wonderful border terrier at the end of last year after 16 wonderful years. We are now ready to give our love to a new member of the family and would love a patterdale. We live in London but would travel literally anywhere to get a our puppy so if you could help us we would be very grateful for your help.
Kind regards
Phil and Erica
So sad to hear about your Border. We don’t breed ourselves, but follow the Facebook page to see if there are any rescue pups becoming available:
Hi Amy
can you recommend any reputable Patterdale breeders in the West Midlands?
I’m not on Facebook
Sorry I don’t know any breeders in the Midlands, and wouldn’t want to recommend unless I had direct experience of them. I wish you every luck in your search for a pup.
Hi, we have recently fostered a young male Patterdale and we need urgent training advice! He is absolutely terrified of dogs and people. At home with us and our other two dogs he is fine. On walks he screams in terror whenever he sees dogs or people.
Any advice re trainers would be greatly appreciated. We are in Leicestershire.
Thanks very much
Lovely to hear from you Rose and sorry for the late reply – we took some time off over Christmas and New Year! We had exactly the same problem with our Blakey dog and found positive reinforcement and clicker training to work really well because he is so food focussed. Here are some blogs I have done on this that might help you:
My Patterdale died in my arms three weeks ago at the age of 14. To say I am bereft is an understatement. She has been my constant shadow. I so want another Patterdale and we’ve been to see so many advertised and quite frankly didn’t find one that we would have taken and saw some terrible conditions. Where is the best place to look? Can anyone help?