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We always recommend that if you can rescue, you should. There are so many unwanted dogs in the UK needing homes, it just doesn’t make sense to breed more Patterdale when there are so many already available needing love. In today’s blog, I will be introducing you to some of the best Patterdale terrier rescue centres in the UK. 

Are you the right owner for a Patterdale terrier rescue?

We rescued our Patterdale from the RSPCA – he had been taken out of a domestic abuse situation. I’m not gonna lie – it wasn’t easy especially at first, but it has been so rewarding. 

It’s important when considering to adopt a rescue patter dale to ask the question ‘Am I the right owner for this breed?’ A Patterdale owner will need to be very active and willing to go on long dog walks. You will need to understand their inbuilt hunting instinct and keep doors and gates closed at all times to prevent them from escaping. They are a very intelligent breed and need mental stimulation and a training focused household.

Sometimes they can be good with children, but don’t leave any child and dog together alone and unattended. Patterdales are ideally adopted into households with no small pets such as mice and guinea pigs, due to their hunting instinct.

Patterdale terrier health problems

Where Should I get a Patterdale Terrier Rescue

If you you think that you have got it in you – adopt your Patterdale! I don’t recommend that you get your Patterdale from somewhere like Craigslist or Gumtree, it encourages inexperienced and uncaring people to breed them for money. These dogs often are not looked after properly, taken away from their mother too young or experience extensive health problems. Here are the best places to consider getting your rescue patterdale from…


The RSPCA have many Patterdale’s coming in, just look out for them on their website. If it is specifically a Patteradale rescue that you want to adopt, you can ring in advance and let them know and they will also keep an eye for one for you, especially if you are familiar with the breed. With the RSPCA you need to remember that some of these dogs have been badly abused, many of them beaten, and so they will be problematic in the beginning. However, once you build trust they will improve as time goes on and learn to love again.

Dogs Trust

I adopted my last Jack Russell terrier from the dogs trust and he was my world for 10 years. He never went off lead – maybe he was just too feisty and wan’t socialised as a young pup. But we had some amazing walks together! On the dogs trust website you can filter by breed and so you can find the specific breed that you are looking for. Here is a link to the Dogs trust searching for Patterdale terriers.

Patterdale Terrier Rescue Surrey

Based in Surrey, but operating all over the UK is the dedicated Patterdale rescue, with the motto ‘Passionate about Patterdales’ Oh yes, we are too! You can visit the their website to find the right dog for you. They write successs stories on their website too, and so you might want t read the stories of Ben, Gavin and Stella.

Further Reading

You can find out more about reasons to adopt not shop here.

For further reading, you might be interested in learning about some of the common Patterdale terrier health problems and Dog Rescue Liverpool

22 thoughts on “Patterdale Terrier rescue centres in the the UK”

  1. Can’t speak highly enough of my experience with, previously called as you said in article, who are utterly exacting about finding the best possible RIGHT home for each dog whose life they have saved. We adopted Louie, our second Patterdale who is 9, to join Sirius who is 11 for some company and friendship. The support and expertise we have gained through the centre has been first class. Well worth a chat, any time.

  2. Our last dog was a rescue Patterdale. She came to us from The Dogs Trust. I have sent an application to in the hope of adopting another rescue Patterdale but not heard anything yet.
    Our last rescue Patterdale died in February and we needed a few months to get over that before adopting another rescue Patterdale. Dibs lived until she was 17 years old. She was so nervous when she first came to us, age 3, but quickly became part of our family .
    Since June we have been trying, without success to adopt another. We did not know about your website until last week.
    We live in an Old Vicarage with 2.5 acres of enclosed, Patterdale-proof garden. We live at the end of a quiet lane in a small village. Our three children are in their 20s and 30s. One currently lives at home. We both work from home and love walking. I am, of course, happy to travel anywhere in UK to collect a dog . I can also send you a video of our garden so you can see how enclosed it is.
    Whatever you can do to help would be greatly appreciated.
    Best wishes
    Jill Samuda

    • Wow 17 is a good age for Dibs – I bet she was so loved. Keep an eye on our Facebook page – we often share rescues on behalf of charities. That would be one lucky Patt with 2.5 acres!

    • Hi Jill

      I have a 3 year old female Patterdale terrier that I rescued last August and I am looking for a new home for her.

      She has been spayed and we are in West Yorkshire if you are interested in adopting her please contact me
      07400 597522 thanks Angela Walker

    • Hi Jill,

      Have you managed to find a Patterdale? I have a 7 month old male patterdale that I am looking to rehome.

      Best Regards,
      Lynne Thomas

  3. I have some friends who had a Patterdale cross until he was 14.5, he died 6 months ago and they are looking to rehome a dog. The want a terrier but it has to be reasonably child friendly as they have grandchildren. Sue White

  4. I could not find an address or telephone number to try to register for fostering Bobby and I am not on Facebook or social media. However, I used the site address and info@…

    Did you get my application which had all my contact details and background information.

    If not, may you urgently gibe me a number of email address that I can do so as I am so keen to give him a loving and caring home.


    • Hi Tony. So sorry, we don’t have a Bobby up for foster, it must have been with someone else. Thank you for fostering. You can always email us: and we can perhaps point you in the right direction of some fosters. All the best.

  5. hi
    i am looking for help with my Patterdale she is 7 years old and very well trained and loving 95% of time but she is very nervous around other dogs and will run away or attack if cornered she will viciously bite our feet in passing and we have 2 young grand children so this is a concern it is hearbreaking but we feel with young children we cannot keep her now and are looking for a new home for her. it is a difficult decision but we want what is best for her.

    • Sometimes it is the right decision sadly. If you do decide to get her rehomed choose a good charity. Send us the link and we will share it on Facebook. x

  6. My Patterdale Sally had to go to sleep on Tuesday 18th may at age 16 my wife and I adopted hr 9 years ago ,when my wife passed away 20 months ago Sally was my Rock she helped me over many dark days she missed her mum and I helped her She was ill Monday night 17th went to vets am 18th they found mass on her spleen that was bleeding ,she showed no sign of pain until examination, so my lovely girl could not have operation to difficult for age so she was put to sleep I held her close and told her how much I loved her and she passed quietly in my arms ,I’m lost without her ,Patterdale owners will know how I feel ,Patterdales are fiercely loyal and loving ,and now she’ gone ,I had to write this Sally took apart of me with her when she passed,

    • This is so heartbreaking, David. They give you the most wonderful unconditional love. When they are gone, it leaves a massive hole in your heart. Sending love in this difficult time. x

  7. I have a patterdale x shih tzu bitch and a patterdale X poodle dog. Best dogs. they are amazing. They need a lot of work and once that work is put in- there will be no turning back. I would love to have more… they are a hunting dog… they need correct training. They are protective, they are reactive, but persevere!! its worth it!!

  8. I am looking for some help and advice on where to go to get my 5 year old male patterdale rehomed? It seems like a mine field and I really want him to go to the best home for him

  9. we are looking for a patterdale to adopt in kent preferably. please can you suggest where to look patterdale specific?trusted breeders? willing to travel. we had peanut for 16 years but sadly passed in december 23. have tried various places but no joy. what is your facebook profile?

  10. Hello, we are looking for a home for our 6 year old patterdale male. His name is Pudding and he has a front leg missing, we dont know why as we got him through rescue at 9 months old. I have developed some medical issues which make it very difficult for me to care for him as I am a wheelchair user.
    I have to be honest and say that he has bitten in the past and doesn’t get on with other dogs and feel he needs an experienced owner.
    He does have a loving side too and enjoys a cuddle.


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