Patterdale Terrier Grooming

Patterdale Terrier Grooming

Patterdales can be smooth or rough haired. The great news about owning a Patterdale terrier is that they do not need extensive grooming like some other breeds such as the bichon frise, poodle or Lhasa Apso. Patterdale terrier grooming should only need to be weekly, even fortnightly and it will be a simple procedure due … Read more

Introducing my Rescue Patterdale Blake

Rescue Patterdale dog

Today I’m introducing my wonderful rescue Patterdale Blake, who came into our lives just over a year ago. Blake was a rescue dog from the RSPCA and here’s his story. We don’t know the exact extent of the abuse that he was experiencing in his first home, but it said on his adoption paperwork that … Read more

New Puppy Checklist

new puppy checklist

Welcome home! So you’ve decided to get your new adorable cutie! But what do you need ready for your new puppy to come home? Because I was getting asked so many questions about this, I decided to put together this new puppy checklist – I hope that you find it helpful! New Puppy checklist Bed … Read more

Why is my Dog Scratching?

dog scratching

I often get asked the question why is my dog scratching? The things is that a little bit of scratching is quite normal for a dog. However, when it is repeated scratching, that can signify that there is a n underlying problem. Top Reasons for Dog Scratching Here are the most common reasons for dogs … Read more

Patterdale Terrier rescue centres in the the UK

Patterdale terrier rescue

We always recommend that if you can rescue, you should. There are so many unwanted dogs in the UK needing homes, it just doesn’t make sense to breed more Patterdale when there are so many already available needing love. In today’s blog, I will be introducing you to some of the best Patterdale terrier rescue … Read more

Patterdale terrier health problems

Patterdale terrier health problems

Patterdale Terriers are fiesty little dogs that are often in good health and live till a good age of up to around 17 years old. Patterdale health problems are rare as they are sturdy and well bred. I know someone once who had a Patterdale cross that lived to 21! However, there are a few … Read more