Pill Treats for Dogs Review

Pill Treats for Dogs review

Does your dog need daily medication for and ongoing medical condition? Do you find it challenging to get your dog to take his pills? Today we are going to review pill treats for dogs by Rosewood. They have helped our terrier Blake to take his dietary supplements successfully and so we highly recommend them! Discovering … Read more

Patterdale Terrier Bite Force

Patterdale terrier bite force

Lots of people ask about the Patterdale terrier bite force – they are dogs that can be quite snappy. Although Patterdales are small, they do have a strong jaw and bite force as they are bred for hunting. So what is the Patterdale terrier bite force? And is it the most important thing to consider … Read more

Keeping Dogs and Children Safe

dogs and children

Are you a dog owner with children? Or perhaps you have dogs at home and children often come to visit? Keeping dogs and children safe when they are together is vitally important. You want to educate children and bring them up to respect dogs so that they are less likely to get bitten or hurt. … Read more

Banana Dog Treats

banana dog treats

Our crazy Patterdale terrier Blake absolutely loves banana! I’ve never had a dog who likes banana before, but he really goes mad for it! Banana is OK for dogs in small doses, but they shouldn’t be eating it in large quantities. So, if your dog loves banana too then consider trying out some of these … Read more

My dog has a Liver Shunt

My dog has a Liver Shunt

I wanted to blog my story about our Patterdale terrier Blake getting his diagnosis of a liver shunt. A liver shunt in dogs can be quite serious and we were of course worried when he started to display signs of this. However, if you are prepared to pay for their medical treatment and make amendments … Read more

Waterman’s Luxury Dog Shampoo

Watermans luxury dog shampoo

This week, we have tried and tested Waterman’s luxury dog shampoo. Now, Waterman’s is actually a brand that specialises in human hair products….but they certainly got this luxury dog shampoo right! Introducing Waterman’s luxury dog shampoo Waterman’s have developed this specially formulated PH balancing pet shampoo that can be used on both dogs and cats. … Read more

Cows Ears for Dogs

Cows Ears for Dogs

Every dog owner is looking for natural chews that will keep your dog happy whilst being good for their health at the same time. Cow ears completely fit the bill – they are great for dogs. Can dogs eat cows ears? Can dogs eat cow ears? Yes, they are a safe and healthy food for … Read more

Best Food for Patterdales

best dog food for terriers

Terriers such as Jack Russells and Patterdale terriers generally have quite a sturdy stomach! But it’s still important to find a food that suits your dogs taste and stomach. Diet has a big impact on your dogs health and coat. So, what is the best food for terriers? Why a Healthy Diet is so important … Read more